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Centaurs are hybrids with the body of a human from the torso up but the body of a horse from the torso/neck down.

Their human body can look like an average human, with a variety of skin, hair and eye color. Their horse body also ranges from all known horse breeds. Hair color tends to match the horse hair color, though it's not uncommon for a black-haired centaur to have a palomino body. The horse body also tends to affect the human body as in body mass. A Clydesdale centaur will be larger than other centaur breeds. The centaur language is Equita.


Centaurs are an extremely artistic race. They enjoy music, dancing, sculpting, painting, reading and writing poetry and performing in theater. In fact, theater came from the centaurs.

Sports are also very important to centaurs. Football (soccer) and polo are the most commonly played sports, football having been a common sport across cultures but polo being from centaurs. Another common activity is ritualistic battles. Centaurs would start at opposite ends of an arena, wielding wooden staffs and shields, and would charge at each other and fight. They would never go too far, rarely spilling blood and definitely never fighting to unconsciousness. One would simply call out a yield, and the winner would have a feast thrown in their name.

Socially, women and men are considered equal in all aspects. They share the workload, childcare, and hosting and serving guests at parties.

To other races centaurs appear to be a very loud and even pushy race in public. However, when in private setting they are more calm and mild-mannered. They often join in quiet speech but still with humorous banter and frequent laughs. Strong emotions and rapid or abrupt movements of face, arms, or body are avoided around guests in homes.

Strangers are greeted with slight bows, while friendly men can give a strong handshake with their free hand over their heart and friendly women are greeted with smiles and a hugs. Until one has a truly intimate relationship with another, negative feelings such as jealousy, envy, sadness, and anger are hidden from that person.