Magic, in and of itself, is a passive energy that exists in all things. In order to bend the passive magic of the world around them, a mage uses their source magic to bend and control passive magic to their will. The larger pool of source magic, the more a mage can achieve.
Each person is born with only a sliver of magic, barely detectable at birth. A person becomes a mage when their magic matures at puberty. At this point, it becomes known as ‘source magic’. Precious few develop source magic strong enough to be used in a practical, especially among the human population. The only exception to this are nymphs, who are rarely born without viable source magic.
Each mage is unique in how they utilise their source magic. Some mages use objects, such as wands or specialized apparel such as rings, to focus and channel their will. Others may use spoken spells or ritualistic gestures. It is rare that a mage can focus their source magic without the help of a Focus, and those that do are considered exceptionally strong.
Magical Amplifiers[]
Not all mages with small pools of source magic are doomed remain as such. With the rise of technology in the past century, Magical Amplifiers (colloquially known as 'amps' among younger mages) have become relatively commonplace. They most often take the form of jewellery, and are enchanted with a pool of magic specifically for the purpose of magnifying a mage's source magic, much in the same way a lens amplifies and focuses light.