Kosovia Wiki

Playable Races[]

Mixed Races[]

Species that cannot interbreed: Spriggans, Dragons, Nagas, Centaurs.

Some races can intermix and have children. However, most do not grow to adulthood due to complications of the different bloods clashing. Those who do become adults will often have some sort of physical disability such as respiratory problems, development problems, etc. However mixed races do have strengths as well as weaknesses from both races that can show in different ways.

Physical Traits[]

Below are lists of what possible traits a child will have depending on their parents. They do not always show multiple traits per race; these are just a list to choose from.

Children with one winged human parent will often have:

  • wings, though considerably smaller than normal and unable to create flight
  • lighter weight

 Children with one orc parent will often have:

  •  grey-tinted skin color
  •  thicker skin
  •  larger canines
  •  lower pitched voice
  •  increased muscle mass

 Children with one dwarf parent will often have:

  •  shorter height
  •  stockier build
  •  thicker body hair

 Children with one vampire parent will often have:

  •  pointed ears
  •  sharper teeth but no vampiric toxin
  •  decreased heartrate
  •  does not require blood for sustenance

 Children with one nymph parent will often have:

  •  Increased source magic, though considerably less than a full-blooded nymph.
  •  Minimal appearance-altering elemental traits

 Children with one human parent will not have any special features because humans do not have "special traits".

 Children with one shapeshifter parent will not be able to transform like their parent, but will still have the "Shifter Scent" which can cause confusion for fellow shapeshifters.

Skill Bonuses[]

With skill bonuses, instead of gaining the full bonus that a full-blooded character would have, the mixed race character will have the following bonuses, one from each parent:

Winged Human: +5 any Survival Skill

 Orc: +5 One Crafting Skill

 Human: +5 One Crafting Skill

 Dwarf: +5 One Crafting Skill

 Vampire: +5 One Survival Skill

 Shapeshifter: +5 One Deviant Skill

 Nymph: +3 Elementalism